Monday, February 28, 2011

Take Me I'll Follow You

Being frugal, I tried doing astral traveling, wherein the traveler leaves the physical body and travels in her subtle/ spirit body. I read that it can take me anywhere I want to go thus saving me from travel expenses that I would incur in the physical world. However, I ended up having a severe headache. 

So I decided to physically travel. I have already taken trips to most places in the Philippines. I'm now setting my sight this year on countries outside.

You may be wondering why I want to travel.  Besides having it as a good excuse to exercise, I want to live a full life.  I may as well savor everything it has to offer. There's got to be something else other than what I'm familiar with. I want to explore museums, historic places, various cultures, cuisines, literature, knowledge   etc.  People say I have the curiosity and the adventurousness of a cat.  It is no wonder why I don't drink alcohol or take drugs. I want all my senses sharp and awake so I can fully enjoy my experiences.

OK, so physical travel entails money. That's why I work in between travels and blogging to remind me of what I'm working for in this world.

So while I'm slugging it out at the office, listen to a favorite song of mine. It expresses my love for life:


1 comment:

  1. I'm asthmatic, too! But it went away when I started riding a bike. Great entries on your blog
