Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Christmas in Hongkong and Macau

"If you think you can or can't, it becomes so".  This adage is so true in my solo trip to Hongkong and Macau. I'm not one of those people with an adventurous spirit and a healthy appetite for risk. I took the trip because I wanted to face my fears ( I'm afraid of getting lost, losing control of a situation, being duped or making a mistake) and to scratch a travel itch.

Paranoia comes naturally to me. People say I plan too much.  I have to gather all information about a certain matter or situation before I make a move.  I have to be certain about things and people. But in solo trips, I realized I need to give leeway for the unexpected and give myself permission to just relax and not think too much.

Hongkong isn't known for fresh air but still I did a lot of  brisk walking,  I wanted to discover much of the area on foot. What surprised me is that I could read the map and easily understood Hongkong's transportation system. On the second day of my vacation, I wove through traffic, going in and out of trains, buses and ferries like a local.

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