Wednesday, May 26, 2010

International Food Galore

If someone asks me about my favorite foods, I'd say anything edible and interesting to my taste buds.  I get bored easily so the more variety and creativity goes into the cooking the better. Of course, good, rich flavor should also be a major part.

Filipino food will always be close to my heart, but I'd rather go for an international menu for breakfast, lunch and dinner.  My relatives actually think that maybe I live to eat but what the heck. I love eating.

So whenever I go to some place new, I check-out their delicacies and specialties.  It's part of cultural learning. I also look at their buildings' architecture and infrastructure, but food is always number one for me.  

I can't understand tourists who go to a foreign place and expect to have their own comfort food which usually includes hamburger, french fries and fried chicken, not that I have anything against these edibles. But, c'mon, there's a big world out there and a humongous variety of eatables.  Why settle for the usual. 

Still, most tourists spend several dollars to go outside of their country yet expect foreigners to cook food the way they do back in their own country ?!!  Preposterously insane. 

There is wisdom in getting out of your comfort zones once in a while.  It will not kill you unless the food has Salmonela
. Remember that tourist who refused to eat native food? Well, he got food poisoning from, of all things, lettuce.  So, eat native but insist on recently cooked food to be on the safe side.

When I was in Bangkok, I had Phad Thai, Tum Yum soup and melon-mango shake.  Here in Cebu, I visit restaurants that serve international food such as The Gustavian, Persian Palate, Krua Thai, Nonki, etc.

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