Monday, February 22, 2010

Road trip from Tabuelan to Transcentral Highway

It seems that in this year of the tiger I've been doing a lot more traveling. I was born in the year of the tiger so that explains it.

I guess the tiger year intensified my natural instincts. Tigers are suppose to be restless and curious about its surroundings.

There is something exhilarating about being someplace different even just for a few hours. It gets your mind off the mundane stuff.

The road scenery from Tuburan to the transcentral highway is my favorite since its mostly greenery.

I try to limit my trips to just Saturdays since it can get expensive. I usually stay home on Sunday and sleep or read books and magazines, keeping expenses down.

I'm planning on traveling outside of Cebu soon. To other islands and, probably someday, other countries. Wow, that is something to look forward.

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